Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New beginnings

It has been forever since my last post... not because nothing has happened since then, but because it feels like everything has happened since then. With school starting back at UGA, we have been so busy! I forget how much momentum there is with a new semester to meet new people and spend tons of time hanging out (before everyone gets busy with tests and papers). It seems like most nights Wyatt or I have been up at the dorms meeting freshmen, playing ultimate frisbee or flag football, baking treats for new friends, etc.

It has been lots of fun, but difficult at times. I have certainly wrestled with the fact that I stand out like a sore thumb... When a girl in the dorms asks what year I am or which dorm I live in it can be so awkward because how do I answer, "Actually I already graduated college and I'm married" without sounding like a creeper for still hanging out in freshmen dorms? ha! But even in those moments the Lord reminds me that my identity is in Christ and these girls can think I am super weird... and yet I am still loved, accepted, and treasured by my Savior. And in those moments it adds fuel to the fire of evangelism, because I want for others to know such a kind, compassion, loving and accepting Savior. I wanted their identities to be wrapped up in the God who has died for them. It has been cool to see God transform a question that I least look forward to into an opportunity to share, because in order to avoid strange looks I usually have to tell them that I work for a college ministry. And that usually opens the door for me to share a little glimpse of how God transformed by heart during college.

I'm actually going up to the dorms tonight, so you can pray for my time with the freshmen. Pray that God would provide opportunities to meet new girls to build a friendship with. Pray for boldness to associate with Christ and share the gospel with girls, not only with words but also with my countenance, peace, and interactions with them and others. I'm excited to see how God would honor our prayers to make tonight have an impact on eternity.

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