Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Beach..

I can't say enough how much I love our job!  The Summer Leadership Project was so much fun!   Every morning we were able to get up and spend time with Jesus while looking out at the water.  There is something special about the ocean that make Jesus seem so near.  Maybe it is the memory of watching the sunrise almost every morning during my first summer at the SLP while studying God's word. 

Connecting with the students was so fun. I really enjoyed getting to know some of the UGA girls better and some of my younger sorority sister from Georgia Tech were there as well.
All UGA staff and students at SLP

Some of the highlights: 
**Leading the Women's Time at the beginning of the summer.  Every year we have a break our time with just women where we get to talk about girlie stuff (like modesty and how to relate to guys). This year, Wyatt and I were asked to lead this time.  I was sooo anxious about it as I was preparing what I would say, but I am thankful for God's faithfulness to speak through me.  I think He really used me during that time to speak hope and give wisdom and truth.  The gospel was really the main point... I wanted them to know how deeply loved they are by God and how He displayed His love for us through Christ.  Deuteronomy 7:6-9 has always been a favorite verse for me on this topic.  Sometimes it is hard for me to believe that I am truly that loved. I pray for these college women, that they would be transformed by a greater understanding of God's deep affection for them. 

Some of the girls from Georgia, Georgia Tech, and North Georgia

**Connecting with other young married couples.  Some of our closest friends have gotten married within the last 2 years and are also working with Campus Outreach at different schools.  Being at SLP with such great friends for a month was a real treat.  I was able to see how marriage is such a picture of the gospel and how all different marriages can display Christ and truly honor God.  We learned so much from spending time with other young couples, and not to mention how much fun it is to have so many couple friends that we love so much! After the SLP, we actually stayed at a beach house with 3 other couples.  It is amazing to see how friends can really feel like family.  So thankful for our time with great friends! 

**Wyatt's talks- honestly Wyatt's talks about stewardship were some of my very favorite times this summer.  I know that I am partial, but I think he gives such clear and convicting messages.  I can't wait to see how God continues to work through Wyatt!
Wyatt & Connor- Connor is the student leader who is giving the Stewardship talks for the rest of the summer.  

**Getting to know my little, little, little sister in Alpha Delta Pi.  Like I said earlier, some of my sorority sisters came on SLP this summer, and it was such a privilege to get to know them better.  The neatest part about spending time with her was seeing what God is still doing in ADPi at Georgia Tech.  He really began something while I was in school, and I'm seeing how He is committed to bringing it to completion.  I'm encouraged to see more and more women catch a vision for sharing their faith with other ADPi girls.  I hope that it always continues, and that eventually ADPi is a place that is known for godly missional women.      
Me and Katie- this picture was taking at the Ski Trip in February. 

**Hanging out with the UGA Freshmen.  One night, we went out for ice cream with all the up-coming Sophomores at UGA.  Wyatt leads a discipleship group with 4 of those guys and I would love to get to know those girls more.  It was really encouraging to hear what they were learning and experiencing.  They seemed so excited to take back what they had learned this summer and apply it to their lives on the campus.  I hope we can continue to be invested in their spiritual growth, and grow deep and lasting friendships!

**Working and doing ministry with Wyatt- It is so cool that we work together.  I can see how God would get more glory with us married than He did when we were single.

**Our staff team 
**Extended time in the word and prayer 
**Being completely exhausted everyday because of the grueling schedule 
**Staff Development (a weekly time where the staff dedicate extra time to enhancing our personal relationships with God).  
**Getting weekly updates from our friends on mission in Johannesburg, South Africa.  
**Seeing the sparks in a students eye who is really experiencing God for the first time.  
**Beach volleyball 
**Really funny skits- hopefully I can post the one that Wyatt was in! 

There are so many more things I could add to this list.  We are blessed to have such a rewarding job!  

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Home again, home again..

We just got home from the Summer Leadership Project.  Finally, we haven't been in our apartment for 7 weeks.  When we moved all of our stuff back in this weekend, it felt like we were moving in again for the first time.  Sorry that it has been so long since my last update... this summer has been a little hectic and there is never great internet connections at the beach.  But look for more updates and stories about our summer in Panama City coming soon!