Friday, August 12, 2011

Wisdom Tooth Adventure

So, Wyatt had a wisdom tooth taken out on Tuesday. After hearing many stories of embarrassing things people had said when they were on heavy medications... Wyatt was a little worried about embarrassing himself.

Matthew 12:34- "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" is best way to describe what Wyatt was like coming out of surgery. He was thanking the doctor and nurses, asking if they were Christians, and saying "Glory be to God". Even in a confused state, Wyatt knew that this whole life is about Christ and that God deserves all the glory. Once we got in the car he told me how much he loves me and wants to lead me closer to Christ. Then we talked about the college students that he is discipling this year.. He said, "I want them to be men who know the gospel. I want them to have tough-skin and a tender heart. Do you think I can teach them that?" And a little later he told me that he was hoping that he would get to go to heaven. I reassured him that there is much work to be done here before he gets to go be with Jesus. Later that evening, once all the medicine had worn off.. I told Wyatt everything that we talked about and he didn't remember any of it!

It was so good for my soul to see how much he truly loves Christ. His devotion to Christ isn't just at the surface or a show or fancy words... It is a unfading love that has transformed him so much that even when unconscious Jesus is all that Wyatt could think about. That was convicting for me! It makes me wonder what I would say if unconscious. Would I want to tell everyone that I see about the truth of the gospel? Would I so desire to see my Savior? Would I want my life to be about selflessness? I hope so.

I truly have the most wonderful husband. He constantly points me back to Christ, even when he is unconscious! :)

The funniest part of the day was when Wyatt was looking at his tooth. They put it in a little baggie so that Wyatt could see it later.  He said, "This is gross... it looks like it has hepatitis." Ha!

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